vorticity equation




  1. Modified the vorticity equation obtained in the first half of the class to include the earth's rotation.
  2. A quasi-geostrophic barotropic vorticity equation model is used to simulate the influences of topographic forcing and land friction on landfall tropical cyclone track and intensity.
  3. By diagnostic analysis of the relative potential vorticity equation for moist air it is found that the advection term and the baroclinic term and the subgrid scale mass flux convergence term are principal terms effecting the local change of potential vorticity.
  4. A simple LB model is present to numerically solve the quasi-geostrophic barotropic equivalent vorticity equation at first.
  5. By using a beta plane barotropic quasigeostrophic vorticity equation, two experiments whose integration times equal to 12 model days are performed to study the interaction between vortices.
  6. Secondly we study the influence on the solution of the differential equation by adding frictional term in the vorticity equation, and then show how to choose suitable frictional coefficient in this case.
  7. The energy flux derived from the barotropic vorticity equation differs from that obtained directly from the momentum equation.
  8. The vorticity equation and adiabatic equation are converted into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations which have been integrated on the electronic computer by using the Runge-Kutta method.
  9. This paper applies the numerically simulated results of paper [ 1] to diagnose vorticity equation and the energy conversion function among potential energy, divergent wind energy and rotational wind energy.
  10. In this paper the barotropic vorticity equation, expanded with spherical harmonics is integrated.
  11. The stability problem of rotating parallel flows was discussed by use of the barotropic vorticity equation. A stability.
  12. Pseudospectral-Finite Difference Method for Three-Dimensional Vorticity Equation with Unilaterally Periodic Boundary Condition
  13. Firstly, this paper designs a polar coordinate barotropic vorticity equation semi-spectral model and a quasi-geostrophic grid model in order to research the propagation of vortex Rossby waves and tropical cyclone intensity change entirely.
  14. In the vorticity equation, the contribution to the vorticity trend from the horizontal advection term was the maximum, and the one from the Beta effect the minimum.
  15. In this paper, a barotropic vorticity equation model is used to investigate the relationship between midlatitude response of tropic forcing from different longitudinal positions and Northern winter stationary waves of basic flow.
  16. Starting from a two-layer nonlinear quasi-geostrophic baroclinic vorticity equation containing Ekman friction, a new generalized energy is proposed to act as Lyapunov function and thus a new criterion of nonlinear baroclinic subcritical instability containing two inequalities is obtained.
  17. By a nondivergent barotropic vorticity equation, the nonlinear critical layer is simulated.
  18. Based on LBM, several wind-driven ocean circulation mechanistic models, the quasi-geostrophic equivalent barotropic vorticity equation model, the single-layer shallow water model, the multi-layer shallow water model, are discussed here.
  19. In this paper, the KdV equations of Rossby wave in barotropic fluid are derived from barotropic quasi-geostrophic vorticity equation by using weakly nonlinear method.
  20. Some characteristics of barotropic atmosphere are illustrated by numerical modeling, basing on a potential vorticity equation with forcing, dissipation, and non-linear interaction.
  21. After a brief review on the deductions of the complete form vorticity equation and traditional vorticity equation, comparisons between the two equations are made.
  22. Using the forced dissipative nondivergent nonlinear barotropic vorticity equation and by means of various schemes, we get its numerical solution, which accords with the attribute of its analytical solution.
  23. Some opinion for considering frictional term and smoothing process in the barotropic vorticity equation
  24. In this paper, a normal mode analysis is made of the linear nondivergent barotropic vorticity equation model with characteristics of the solutions discussed.
  25. A Curvature-Driven Image Inpainting Model Based on Helmholtz Vorticity Equation
  26. Analysis of symmetrically disturbed vorticity equation in anelastic system
  27. ADI method is used for solving the vorticity equation and a direct method for Poisson equation is used for solving stream function equation.
  28. Further, expression of the disturbance wave velocity in non-zonal current is obtained by use of the barotropic vorticity equation on the β-plant.
  29. The vorticity equation was first established and the characteristics of vortex motion in two-dimensional shallow-water flows was analyzed, and then discrete vortex method ( DVM) was briefly described.